Friday, August 29, 2008

Musings from the Democratic Convention

Some interesting items, at least to me:

Sheryl Crow Warms Up the Crowd

Didn't I see Lance Armstrong at a McBush fundraiser? Weren't Sheryl and Lance an item until, say August, 2006? I wonder if their fundamentally different political views influenced that at all...

Obama Will Lower Taxes for 95% of American Families

Plain and simple. And for the mouth-breathers out there having difficulty understanding this statement, I'll say this. We have a HUGE national debt, thanks in large part to George W. Bush and his embezzlement of funds occupation of Iraq. We need to pay it. Taxes bring in money to pay for it. Taxes also pay for road maintenance, schools, some school lunches, bridges that don't collapse, welfare, Social Security, county hospitals, clean air protection, drinking water, food safety, disaster relief, refugees, government worker paychecks, gasoline subsidies, food subsidies, the Army, the Marines, the Navy, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, the National Reserve, Immigration and Naturalization Services, regulation enforcement of businesses, research grants, and with any luck, they'll soon pay for your chemotherapy or kidney transplant. But let's, for a moment, put that aside and say "Taxes are bad!" Obama is promising to lower your taxes, and raise taxes for companies that make more than millions in profit. That is not small business. That is not medium business. That is great, big, mother-fucking businesses that make gobs and gobs of cash, some while even receiving gas subsidy money from the government!

No Foreign Oil in 10 Years

Reminiscent of JFK's goal of a moon landing in a similar length of time, our generation must step up to the plate and do what our fathers and grandfathers did: Answer a call to service. This is a lofty goal, but it is achievable. If you're saying that Americans CAN'T do something, I would like to ask you which one of us sounds un-American? Great advances have already been made, but are being suppressed in large part by rich people who have a financial stake in America failing to do this. We're not all the way, but we'll get there a hell of a lot faster if we don't have to run their obstacle course in the process.

Greta Van Susteren's Best Quote EVER!

During the post-convention wrap up, she said to the viewers regarding going to commercial, "We'll be breaking news all night." No truer words were ever spoken. I think Fox News breaks news all the time.

• They cannot seem to get party affiliations correct on the crawl, mislabeling (alleged) pedophile Republican Mark Foley as (D-FL).

• They cannot accurately report something as simple as a man's religion (a Google search of "obama muslim" returns over 99 pages of results).

• They cannot accurately report Paul Begala's early affiliation with Hillary Clinton's Primary campaign, with Fox anchor Major Garrett repeating that Begala joined it, citing "unnamed sources", even with Begala himself privately e-mailing the Fox anchor and telling him that his sources are wrong. Major continued to defend his reporting, saying "[t]he sourcing is strong, very strong..." Ha!

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